Explore Drepung: An Introduction
Drepung: An Introduction (texts)
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- texts-16222
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{ "id": "16222", "ids": [ "16222", "texts-16222", "16223", "16224", "16225", "16226", "16227", "16228", "16229" ], "str": [ "16222", "texts-16222", "105", "Drepung: An Introduction", "Than Grove", "George Dreyfus", "Drepung: An Introduction", "author", "16223", "16224", "16225", "16226", "16227", "16228", "16229", "Drepung: An Introduction", "George Dreyfus" ], "uid": "texts-16222", "node_user": "ndg8f", "node_user_i": 105, "creators": [ "105", "Than Grove", "George Dreyfus", "author", "George Dreyfus" ], "node_lang": "en", "node_created": "2016-06-01T12:16:50Z", "node_changed": "2024-03-11T01:29:37Z", "pogrified_s": "fields_module", "title": [ "Drepung: An Introduction" ], "titles": [ "Drepung: An Introduction", "Drepung: An Introduction", "Drepung: An Introduction" ], "service": "texts", "asset_type": "texts", "url_html": "https:\/\/texts.mandala.library.virginia.edu\/text\/drepung-introduction", "url_ajax": "https:\/\/texts.mandala.library.virginia.edu\/shanti_texts\/node_ajax\/16222", "url_json": "https:\/\/texts.mandala.library.virginia.edu\/shanti_texts\/node_json\/16222", "url_thumb": "https:\/\/texts.mandala.library.virginia.edu\/sites\/mandala-texts.lib.virginia.edu\/files\/feature-image-book\/dr04_0580.jpg", "kmapid": [ "places-1", "places-13735", "places-13740", "places-15468", "places-2", "places-317", "places-637" ], "kmapid_strict": [ "places-15468" ], "kmapid_strict_ss": [ "Drepung Monastery" ], "kmapid_is": [ 1373501, 1374001, 101, 201, 31701, 63701, 1546801, 1546801 ], "kmapid_places_idfacet": [ "Drepung Monastery|places-15468" ], "visibility_i": 1, "visibility_s": "public", "solrdoc_ts_i": 1710120578, "node_user_full_s": "Than Grove", "collection_title": "Tibetan Monastic Guidebooks", "collection_nid": "12469", "creator": [ "George Dreyfus" ], "caption": "Drepung: An Introduction", "descriptions": [ "Drepung: An Introduction", "Lying at the foot of Géphel (dge ’phel) Mountain, the highest point in the lha saValley, Drepung offers an impressive sight with its hundreds of large buildings nestled in an impressive mountainous surrounding. It is one of the most important religious institutions in Tibet and hence its study offers a great avenue to penetrate Tibetan civilization, its religion, politics, economy, and culture. For in Drepung, all these aspects of traditional Tibetan life, which are often thought to exist apart, come together.\n", "Lying at the foot of Géphel (dge ’phel<\/em>) Mountain, the highest point in the lha saValley, Drepung offers an impressive sight with its hundreds of large buildings nestled in an impressive mountainous surrounding. It is one of the most important religious institutions in Tibet and hence its study offers a great avenue to penetrate Tibetan civilization, its religion, politics, economy, and culture. For in Drepung, all these aspects of traditional Tibetan life, which are often thought to exist apart, come together.<\/p>\n<\/div>" ], "summary": "Lying at the foot of Géphel (dge ’phel) Mountain, the highest point in the lha saValley, Drepung offers an impressive sight with its hundreds of large buildings nestled in an impressive mountainous surrounding. It is one of the most important religious institutions in Tibet and hence its study offers a great avenue to penetrate Tibetan civilization, its religion, politics, economy, and culture. For in Drepung, all these aspects of traditional Tibetan life, which are often thought to exist apart, come together.\n", "mogrified_s": "true", "collection_idfacet": [ "THL Texts (texts)|texts-collection-12468", "Tibetan Monastic Guidebooks (texts)|texts-collection-12469" ], "collection_uid_s": "texts-collection-12469", "collection_uid_path_ss": [ "texts-collection-12468", "texts-collection-12469" ], "collection_title_path_ss": [ "THL Texts", "Tibetan Monastic Guidebooks" ], "collection_nid_path_is": [ 12468, 12469 ], "asset_subtype": "book", "creator_role_ss": [ "author" ], "mlid_i": 18251, "mlweight_i": 0, "plid_i": 0, "citations_ss": [ "chicago$$<div class='mdl-text-citation chicago'>Dreyfus, George. “Drepung: An Introduction.” Mandala Texts (2006).<\/div>", "mla$$<div class='mdl-text-citation mla'>Dreyfus, George. “Drepung: An Introduction.” Mandala Texts , 2006.<\/div>" ], "part_id_ss": [ "16223", "16224", "16225", "16226", "16227", "16228", "16229" ], "part_titles_ss": [ "Introduction", "The Founder", "The History", "The Organization", "The Present", "The Sources", "Glossary" ], "url_thumb_height": "377", "url_thumb_width": "250", "description": [ "
Lying at the foot of Géphel (dge ’phel<\/em>) Mountain, the highest point in the lha saValley, Drepung offers an impressive sight with its hundreds of large buildings nestled in an impressive mountainous surrounding. It is one of the most important religious institutions in Tibet and hence its study offers a great avenue to penetrate Tibetan civilization, its religion, politics, economy, and culture. For in Drepung, all these aspects of traditional Tibetan life, which are often thought to exist apart, come together.<\/p>\n<\/div>" ], "date_start": "2006-01-01T00:00:00Z", "projects_ss": [ "tibet" ], "title_sort_s": "Drepung: An Introduction", "creator_sort_s": "George Dreyfus", "_version_": 1806928203470602240, "timestamp": "2024-08-09T16:30:19.237Z" }