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{ "id": "67550", "ids": [ "67550", "texts-67550", "67551", "67552", "67553", "67554", "67555", "67556", "67557", "67558", "67559", "67560", "67561" ], "str": [ "67550", "texts-67550", "16882", "Portrait of a Poison: Datura in Buddhist Magic", "Samuel M. Grimes", "Portrait of a Poison: Datura in Buddhist Magic", "author", "67551", "67552", "67553", "67554", "67555", "67556", "67557", "67558", "67559", "67560", "67561", "Portrait of a Poison: Datura in Buddhist Magic", "Samuel M. Grimes" ], "uid": "texts-67550", "node_user": "acl3ph", "node_user_i": 16882, "creators": [ "16882", "Samuel M. Grimes", "author", "Samuel M. Grimes" ], "node_lang": "en", "node_created": "2024-02-29T15:12:35Z", "node_changed": "2024-03-26T17:29:00Z", "pogrified_s": "fields_module", "title": [ "Portrait of a Poison: Datura in Buddhist Magic" ], "titles": [ "Portrait of a Poison: Datura in Buddhist Magic", "Portrait of a Poison: Datura in Buddhist Magic", "Portrait of a Poison: Datura in Buddhist Magic" ], "service": "texts", "asset_type": "texts", "url_html": "https:\/\/texts.mandala.library.virginia.edu\/text\/portrait-poison-datura-buddhist-magic", "url_ajax": "https:\/\/texts.mandala.library.virginia.edu\/shanti_texts\/node_ajax\/67550", "url_json": "https:\/\/texts.mandala.library.virginia.edu\/shanti_texts\/node_json\/67550", "url_thumb": "", "visibility_i": 1, "visibility_s": "public", "solrdoc_ts_i": 1727800151, "collection_title": "Special Issue #1: Psychedelics, Contemplation, and Religion", "collection_nid": "67399", "creator": [ "Samuel M. Grimes" ], "caption": "Portrait of a Poison: Datura in Buddhist Magic", "descriptions": [ "Portrait of a Poison: Datura in Buddhist Magic", "", "" ], "summary": "", "mogrified_s": "true", "collection_idfacet": [ "Journal of Contemplative Studies (texts)|texts-collection-65785", "Special Issue #1: Psychedelics, Contemplation, and Religion (texts)|texts-collection-67399" ], "collection_uid_s": "texts-collection-67399", "collection_uid_path_ss": [ "texts-collection-65785", "texts-collection-67399" ], "collection_title_path_ss": [ "Journal of Contemplative Studies", "Special Issue #1: Psychedelics, Contemplation, and Religion" ], "collection_nid_path_is": [ 65785, 67399 ], "asset_subtype": "book", "creator_role_ss": [ "author" ], "mlid_i": 84835, "mlweight_i": 0, "plid_i": 0, "citations_ss": [ "chicago$$<div class='mdl-text-citation chicago'>Grimes, Samuel M.. “Portrait of a Poison: Datura in Buddhist Magic.” <em>Journal of Contemplative Studies<\/em>, no. 01 (2024): 1-32. <a href="https:\/\/doi.org\/10.57010\/GDPT2568">https:\/\/doi.org\/10.57010\/GDPT2568<\/a>.<\/div>", "mla$$<div class='mdl-text-citation mla'>Grimes, Samuel M.. “Portrait of a Poison: Datura in Buddhist Magic.” <em>Journal of Contemplative Studies<\/em>, no. 01, 2024, pp. 1-32. <a href="https:\/\/doi.org\/10.57010\/GDPT2568">https:\/\/doi.org\/10.57010\/GDPT2568<\/a>.<\/div>" ], "pagination_s": "1-32", "part_id_ss": [ "67551", "67552", "67553", "67554", "67555", "67556", "67557", "67558", "67559", "67560", "67561" ], "part_titles_ss": [ "INTRODUCTION", "WHERE TO START? THE EXPERIENCE OF ACUTE DATURA INTOXICATION", "ADDRESSING A LACUNA IN THE SECONDARY LITERATURE", "TOWARDS A TEXTUAL ETHNOBOTANY", "PORTRAIT OF A POISON: A SURVEY OF DATURA IN ALCHEMY, KĀVYA, AND ĀYURVEDA", "MATERIAL POTENCY IS MAGICAL POTENCY: DATURA IN ŚAIVA AND JAIN TANTRIC WORKS, AND KĀMAŚĀSTRA", "INTERMISSION: CONSIDERING ŚIVA; AND A POSSIBLE DESCRIPTION OF A DATURA-INDUCED HALLUCINATION FROM 11TH-CENTURY KASHMIR", "DATURA IN BUDDHIST MAGIC", "CONCLUSION: WAS DATURA CONSUMED BY PREMODERN YOGINS FOR ITS PSYCHOTROPIC EFFECTS? YES AND NO, AT ONCE.", "WORKS CITED", "NOTES" ], "description": [ "" ], "date_start": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z", "projects_ss": [ "uf", "jcs" ], "title_sort_s": "Portrait of a Poison: Datura in Buddhist Magic", "creator_sort_s": "Samuel M. Grimes", "_version_": 1812001246806016000, "timestamp": "2024-10-04T16:24:10.372Z" }