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Week 3 - Mindfulness Informal Practices

Monitoring Your Autopilot Tendencies: When am I mindless or on autopilot? When am I mindful and fully aware? Are these trajectories appropriate or inappropriate? How does the transition happen from mindlessness to mindfulness, and vice versa?

Take a Breath - the Contemplative Pause: Take 3 deep breaths throughout the day, considering them to be a  that create a brief contemplative, restorative pause in the middle of whatever you are doing.  Focus on the nourishing quality of inhalations and the relaxing quality exhalations).

Brief Body Scans In Situ: At very various moments, take a moment to turn your awareness to your body - notice how it feels, briefly running your awareness through its interior from head to toe. Let the body relax for a moment.

Mindful of the Everyday: For a week,  choose something from your everyday experience as a cure or reminder to be mindful and at that moment, to watch your experience and notice your  breath. Examples are walking between classes, brushing your teeth, taking a shower, washing your hand, signs of seasonal change, birdsong, walking through a door, passing a natural spot, seeing a specific person, chores, something you  would otherwise usually turn your eyes away, before hitting send on an email, going through any door, hearing your name, hearing a cell phone ring, before taking a bite, or setting an hourly reminder on your phone timer.  Choose this one thing to use as an invitation to mindfulness.  In the moment you experience your cue, take a pause to notice your breath, or notice everything about what you are experiencing externally in that moment.  

Week 3 - Mindfulness Informal Practices
Collection The Art and Science of Human Flourishing - Fall 2017
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UID mandala-texts-47041