Butterfly Breath: Mindful Breathing Practice K-5

Butterfly Breath

A K-5 Mindful Breathing Practice

Contemplative Practices for Student Flourishing in K12 Schools

Type of Practice: Mindfulness


Recommended Grade Levels: K-2


Calming/Energizing: Energizing


Time: 2 minutes


Preparations and Resources

Materials: None 


Set Up: Ensure students have enough room to extend their arms without touching one another. 

Script for Guided Practice

We’re going to practice butterfly breath. 


Begin by standing in a comfortable position. 


Now let’s grow some wings! Raise your arms up and out so that they’re in a T-shape. 


Are you ready to fly? 


As you breathe in, flap your wings up. 


As you breathe out, flap your wings down. 


Take another breath in, and flap your wings up. 


And take another breathe out, and flap your wings down. 


[Continue for as long as you’d like.]


Wonderful! Are you ready to land? Lower your arms to your sides as you fly toward the

ground for a gentle landing. 



You do not need to read the included script verbatim. Adapt the language so that it is appropriate for your students in particular. 


It is not important for students to get this breath practice “exactly right.” Instead, focus on helping them build mind-body awareness each time you practice. 


Offer students positive reinforcements throughout each practice. Focus on qualities and behaviors they can control, like their focus, effort, or persistence. Be specific whenever possible. This will help your students develop a “growth mindset.” 


Authors and Provenance

Authors: Megan Downey and Anna Basile


Adapted from: Compassionate Schools Project


Associated Graphic


Collection Practices: K-12
Visibility Public - accessible to all site users (default)
Author Megan Downey, Anna Basile
Year published 2019
UID mandala-texts-62356