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This subcollection is for practices and exercises for K-12 contemplative education.

Texts in this subcollection

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Megan Downey, Anna Basile 2019
Megan Downey, Anna Basile 2019

Students sit cross-legged and take three deep breaths, inhaling through their noses and exhaling through their mouths.

Megan Downey, Anna Basile 2019

Students come to hands and knees position with hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart. 

Megan Downey, Anna Basile 2019

Lying on their backs, students bring their knees toward their chests; grasp their feet, ankles, or shins; and draw their knees wide.

Megan Downey, Anna Basille 2019
Megan Downey, Anna Basile 2019

From a standing forward fold, students lift their chests until their backs are parallel to the floor and look forward.

Megan Downey, Anna Basile 2019

Standing with feet hip-width apart and arms at their sides, students stretch taller while simultaneously pressing down through their feet.

Megan Downey, Anna Basile 2019

Students balance in a boat pose across from a partner while holding their partners’ hands and pressing against their partners’ feet.

Megan Downey, Anna Basile 2019

In this partner exercise, students sit back to back in butterfly pose.

Megan Downey, Anna Basile 2019

Students sit with legs in a V, clasp hands with a partner, and gently stretch forward and back.


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