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This is the primary Collection in which sub-collections are to be created for the University of Flourishing. 

Texts in this collection

The list below includes texts from this Collection’s Subcollections.

Displaying 1 - 36 of 87 texts


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A practice that directly works with an ability to strengthen compassion towards people beyond an “in group” such as family, friends, and people who we perceive to be similar to us.

An exercise to focus on making one new social connection per day.

Megan Downey, Anna Basile 2019

Syllabi for course that explores contemplative approaches to learning and knowing in communication and media studies taught at the University of Virginia,

Participants in this exercise observe an object, image, or person three different ways and, each time, write what they “know” about the object.

Writing descriptively about a familiar experience or scene with as much cinematic detail as possible and then, at a later date, rereading the descriptive writing from an outside perspective, looking for subtexts in the language used.

Megan Downey, Anna Basile 2019

Students sit cross-legged and take three deep breaths, inhaling through their noses and exhaling through their mouths.

Megan Downey, Anna Basile 2019

Students come to hands and knees position with hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart. 

Megan Downey, Anna Basile 2019

Lying on their backs, students bring their knees toward their chests; grasp their feet, ankles, or shins; and draw their knees wide.

Megan Downey, Anna Basille 2019


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